The key to making the most of the web is making your business as accessible as possible, letting people interact with you in a way that suits them, whenever they want to. Your customers are online 24/7, and as such they expect to be able to interact with businesses and organisations whenever and wherever they are online. Of course, that doesn’t mean having to have a presence on every single social media channel; it means being clever about selecting the ones that are most important to your online audience.
There are many to choose from: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, WhatsApp, YouTube, Google+ and Vimeo plus loads more. We will help you select the right channels by researching your industry and target audience.
Our Social Media start up packages include:
- Channel selection
- Set up and correct branding of each channel
- Training on writing posts, media to use, days, time and boosting,
- Full integration into your business which includes ‘Codes of Conduct’ and ‘Social Media Best Practice’
- Strategy moving forwards to maintain consistency
- Training on how to analyse engagement and traffic to understand what works best for you and your business.